Case Report of a Former Soldier Using TRE® (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises) For PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Self-Care

Read more about the article Case Report of a Former Soldier Using TRE® (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises) For PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Self-Care
David Berceli with Columbia Military

Research report by By R Heath and J Beattie in The Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health, outlining an Australian former soldier who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following acquired brain injury after a major motor vehicle accident (MVA) in 2009.  Click below to read…

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TRE® with families in large groups in a public park in Brazil

Read more about the article TRE® with families in large groups in a public park in Brazil
TRE with families in large groups in a public park in Brazil

Amazing video Brazilian TV reports on TRE® in the Public Park.   Finally the TRE I have envisioned for years is happening - and Brazil is the forerunner of this dream – free, family oriented, safe and effective group TRE process that empowers…

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Too fidgety to meditate? Try TRE® the new tension-release technique. Times article

Great article in the Times newspaper about TRE® Provider Steve Haines teaching Times Journalist Bridget Harrison TRE®.  The article explains how for people who find the stillness of meditation to difficult to achieve then TRE® is the new go to method of…

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Dr. Stephen Porges talks to Dr. David Berceli about the concepts of spirituality from a Polyvagal perspective

Fantastic video featuring Dr. Stephen Porges in discussion with Dr. David Berceli about the concepts of spirituality from a Polyvagal perspective. This is an interview of Dr. Stephen Porges by Dr. David Berceli discussing the concepts of "spirituality" from a Polyvagal perspective.…

Continue ReadingDr. Stephen Porges talks to Dr. David Berceli about the concepts of spirituality from a Polyvagal perspective