Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

Thank you for a really valuable and interesting day - a good blend of theory and experiential. I learned more about the wisdom of my body, if I let it do what it needed, some of which really surprised me. I look forward to more!

Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

I thank Vicki for sharing her experience, knowledge and great enthusiasm for TRE and Core Awareness with such professionalism and understanding. The workshop I attended was highly informative, supportive and enjoyable and I came away with a renewed sense of fascination to enquire deeper and open further into my body's own incredible wisdom.

Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

As I drove home, I was aware of a sense of elongation and spaciousness in my neck, shoulders and upper back areas. ..... after the course I felt energised and buoyant. It was a delightful course. I felt I learned new tools to develop my own .... TRE practice, I discovered bits of awareness in my body which I had not had before, Vicki was informative, interesting and clear but gentle in her tutoring of the course, I would heartily recommend this course for anyone who wants to deepen their TRE experience.

Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

Thank you for a really valuable and interesting day - a good blend of theory and experiential. I learned more about the wisdom of my body, if I let it do what it needed, some of which really surprised me. I look forward to more!

Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

I thank Vicki for sharing her experience, knowledge and great enthusiasm for TRE and Core Awareness with such professionalism and understanding. The workshop I attended was highly informative, supportive and enjoyable and I came away with a renewed sense of fascination to enquire deeper and open further into my body's own incredible wisdom.

Core Awareness and TRE Workshop February 2017

As I drove home, I was aware of a sense of elongation and spaciousness in my neck, shoulders and upper back areas. ..... after the course I felt energised and buoyant. It was a delightful course. I felt I learned new tools to develop my own .... TRE practice, I discovered bits of awareness in my body which I had not had before, Vicki was informative, interesting and clear but gentle in her tutoring of the course, I would heartily recommend this course for anyone who wants to deepen their TRE experience.

Module 1 Training January 2019

I found both theory and practice very helpful. The atmosphere in the group was relaxing, open and supportive.  Having several trainers and trainees gave the workshop a personal and safe touch.  The location with the lovely and quiet garden, in the heart of lovely Edinburgh, backed up the positive impression and made it into an overall nurturing experience.  Thanks to everyone.

Module 1 Training January 2019

TRE® took me on a wonderful journey. It helped me reconnect with my body and make better choices - because I now listen to myself.

TRE® Workshop July 2018

Thank you very much for the course, the organization and the great team of helpers! It was a super event, enjoyed it very much and still shaking 🙂

TRE® Day Workshop February 2016

This was a very valuable training session as it developed my understanding of the mind/body connection and even though it wouldn’t allow me to practice this technique with my clients, it certainly opened a lot of doors for me, with regards to the knowledge that it served me with. It’s definitely a technique that I benefitted from personally and if I thought this may be helpful to a particular client, in future then I would certainly discuss this with them and give them a reference point to explore this further for themselves.

Vicki's Holding Recommended

Working with Vicki has been so important to me. Through the shaking and her gentle, consistent, holding presence, I have been able to connect with my body and listen to its messages. Her patient understanding and body knowledge have allowed to me make changes in my life which have resulted in a lessening of my symptoms. It has been vital to me that Vicki has gone at my pace, understanding the effects of the early life and intergenerational traumas that have left a scar on my body and my psyche. She has helped me find a tenderness to my physical being that has been hard for me to attain before. I feel so glad to have found Vicki at this stage in my life.

Introduction to TRE Group with Vicki

"Warm welcome. Clear, informative introduction session. Highly recommend"

TRE Day Workshop February 2016

Will use this technique in my personal life - Really appreciated how open the facilitator was about her life and experience. All the information was very clearly articulated and presented and she was also very transparent about what was her opinion/belief as opposed to evidence-based. Great atmosphere, I felt very well held and would recommend it as an experience and as an interesting perspective on how trauma might be worked through in the body.

TRE Day Workshop February 2016

It was a really interesting and enjoyable workshop. Really enjoyed the day! - I found the workshop incredible, I had a very powerful experience. I thought it was very well articulated and presented, it was fascinating to learn about and I look forward to observing the effects it has on me personally.

I felt very safe and held by Vicki; she was open, honest and passionate. I felt the structure of the day was great as it left lots of time to process our experience and talk to each other about it.

TRE Day Workshop February 2016

Very interesting to explore more of the physical aspects of trauma and the impact the stress response has for potentially chronic problems, both physically and emotionally. Encouraged by how such a simple technique can potentially have a significant positive impact on people suffering from trauma. As a tool which can be easily taught to individuals to use, the ability to take some control of a situation which may feel out of control could also be powerful.

27th January 2015 - Settling the Restless Mind – Veteran Group

When I read on Facebook about Trauma Release Exercise it had the immediate effect of familiarity, as if I had done it before. I did a bit of research and eventually tracked down Vicki Cook in Edinburgh who put me through an introduction to TRE. It had the effect I had imagined, of connecting my body and mind to the subtlest of levels and I knew that it was right for me and guessed it would be right for the group of veterans I was about to teach mindfulness. Settling their bodies before settling their minds seemed to me a natural progression in settling a restless mind and body. Vicki agreed to come along on week two of the ten-week course and introduce the veterans to TRE®.

When I explained TRE® to the group of veterans, all of who suffered with trauma of one kind or another, they were a little skeptical, not just with the concept of TRE but also with Vicki being a civilian. They were used to veterans and veteran groups and typically found it difficult to engage out with that scenario. When Vicki sat down to talk about TRE the atmosphere was thick with suspicion and anger. The first thing Vicki did was to share this with the group. She said I am a little intimidated by you and a little frightened. She then detailed her background history, and with both parents being military, this and her openness with sharing her history settled the group.

It took the group only one session to realize that TRE® was going to be of benefit to them. After this they looked forward to the sessions, to the point when one week when the course venue was double booked and I had to cancel the TRE, they became very vocal in their disappointment and condemnation of the Serenity Café for the mix up.The main benefit of their TRE sessions was better quality sleep, something that in general, which is affected with life in general if you are not in touch with body and mind but certainly can be a problem for someone suffering from post-trauma. I would say this and a general lift of spirit, which was noticeable with-in the group. In my opinion TRE® and mindfulness coaching go very well together, with TRE® being done before mindfulness, which settles the body as well as the mind, giving a grounded base for the teaching of mindfulness.

I would recommend TRE® for any mindfulness based teachings and will be pursuing this with Vicki Cook for any future courses.

Module One 3-day TRE Workshop - September 2017

The Introductory Module experience was very inspirational for me. In many ways TRE feels like the missing piece for both my personal development and professional toolkit. The 3 days provided an excellent foundation of combined theory and practice for me to develop from. Warm, knowledgeable, intuitive trainers ensured a safe, exploratory space in which to experience this learning.

TRE® Workshop Womanzone July 2014-2018

I found out about TRE® by accident but it caught me. I was putting together a programme for women in recovery from trauma, addiction, poor mental wellbeing and domestic abuse. I met Vicki and she explained TRE® to me so I thought let’s try it. Vicki taught myself and a colleague and I found it very relaxing and doing it with the women’s group has helped me too. We were learning together.

For me I found it helpful when unwell with asthma as it helped me calm down and I used it during a house move. I’ve learned a lot about myself and would advocate everyone at least try it. The Women in the group really committed to working with Vicki. I would make TRE® part of all our trauma recovery work.

I found out about TRE

when I joined Women’s Zone, finding out more about it from TRE® Website, it looked interesting. Vicki came in to talk about TRE® and trauma recovery and I felt she understood my journey and how to recover. We did the Women’s Support group after our TRE session and having that sharing really helped. At first TRE worried me because I was bought up with an epileptic sister but I also remembered my Dad having seizures when I was very young and I was very calm and accepting of his experience and I helped him. TRE® has been helpful although the tremors were strange to start with as I associated shaking with being unstable. As time went on it became a release, firstly with laughter but now I feel relaxed and I don’t feel unstable. I can see that my body does reset itself. The group is very useful – I am not confident to do it on my own yet but I enjoy the group. I’m starting to understand my body now and tremoring doesn’t frighten me anymore. I want to continue and explore re-connecting my head mind and body. I would recommend TRE® to others.
By Colette

After meeting Vicki for the first time I was very apprehensive about taking a class as I was a bit frightened of shaking due to my past being addicted to alcohol shaking was always a bad place to be, however, I pushed myself to give it a try as I’m already on a journey through other things to understand my body and mind. The first couple of classes I found really interesting knowledge-wise but the shaking part didn’t come easy, trying not to control it to stop has been a process but by coming back and having two great women (Vicki Cook and Lorna Simpson) teaching us and helping us to feel at ease through every class I’m now not frightened to shake and look forward to come every Wednesday. I’m not at a stage where I’m doing it at home but in time I see it being part of my recovery at home. I would definitely recommend anyone to give it a try. Our group has definitely felt benefits and friendship from TRE®
Anon Womanzone

Physical release with TRE®

I have had ongoing discomfort and occasional pain in my left hip for a few years. The prognosis being I will require a hip replacement in due course. I attended the TRE® sessions under the guidance of Vicki Cook, and found that the discomfort was decreasing and the joint a lot more flexible. I continue to do the exercises in my own time, with excellent support from Vicki, and am very happy to say that my mobility is much improved. I’d recommend anyone with this or similar conditions to apply the TRE therapy.

TRE® for social anxiety

Heading back home after my first meetup and experience of TRE®. Was an amazing feeling and I’m eager to do more. I feel a calmness which doesn’t happen to me often. Thank you.

6 sessions of TRE® result

I find TRE® to be a great method of releasing all kinds of stored mental junk, be it anger or anxiety or depression. I’ve tried a whole gamut of healing modalities and for me TRE® is an extremely reliable way to transform the inner experience. I’m beginning to realise how connected the mind and body really are. I’ve been dealing with clinical depression since adolescence and with TRE I feel like I am reconnecting with an old friend. The best thing about it is I am in control of the whole process. Thanks.

TRE® for pain relief

After trying many different treatments for my Myofascial Pain Syndrome symptoms which are related to PTSD, I was told about TRE®. At first it looked so weird and I was so nervous to go and give it a try. I was nervous that it would stir up the emotions inside relating to my PTSD and that is something I don’t enjoy going through. My first session was great! Vicki is so lovely and she made me feel so comfortable and she is a great teacher. The great thing about it is that it is nothing to do with the emotions, the body does everything without the mind. It is absolutely fascinating. Over the course of a 6 week block I started to feel so much better and really enjoyed my “time out” from real life when I went to the session. My body had so much to release and it was great learning how to let it go and then to come out feeling so relaxed and at ease. I felt I was progressing with every session and doing a 6 session block has put me on a great path. Although I will always handle stress differently than others, TRE® helps me to release the stress and tension which my body won’t automatically do. I would highly recommend TRE®!

Core Awareness and TRE® Workshop

Thank you for a really valuable and interesting day – a good blend of theory and experiential. I learned more about the wisdom of my body, if I let it do what it needed, some of which really surprised me. I look forward to more!” VMcC ” I thank Vicki for sharing her experience, knowledge and great enthusiasm for TRE® and Core Awareness with such professionalism and understanding. The workshop I attended was highly informative, supportive and enjoyable and I came away with a renewed sense of fascination to enquire deeper and open further into my body’s own incredible wisdom.

Module 1 TRE® Workshop

The Introductory Module experience was very inspirational for me. In many ways TRE® feels like the missing piece for both my personal development and professional toolkit. The 3 days provided an excellent foundation of  combined theory and practice for me to develop from. Warm, knowledgeable, intuitive trainers ensured a safe, exploratory space in which to experience this learning. 

Module 1 Edinburgh Training

I found all instructors and assistant friendly, approachable, responsive and I felt safe and engaged (except when asleep – but was also engaged by being encouraged that my state was okay and welcomed awake or asleep) Excellent.

Module 1 Edinburgh Training

I have always known that my traumas would continue to haunt me. That they would probably never really be resolved, however, I feel that I have found, that in TRE® I may be able to finally start the (or rather continue) the process of coming to terms with my traumas.

TRE® for physical symptoms

I have had ongoing discomfort and occasional pain in my left hip for a few years. The prognosis being I will require a hip replacement in due course. I attended the TRE sessions under the guidance of Vicki Cook, and found that the discomfort was decreasing and the joint a lot more flexible. I continue to do the exercises in my own time, with excellent support from Vicki, and am very happy to say that my mobility is much improved. I'd recommend anyone with this or similar conditions to apply the TRE therapy.

Module 1 Edinburgh Training

My only previous experience of TRE® was with David Berceli and I planned to do my whole certification in the USA. I am so delighted you are here and I found you. Your entire workshop presentation was fantastic and exceeded my expectations. Thank you.

Module 1 & 2 training workshops

Very good, I loved the theory.  Also the practice and the opportunity to facilitate the process………. Great clarity, alive, great holding, practical approach brings safety – good team

Module 1 & 2 training workshops

Great 3 days, had already done a good few weeks of shaking but had a session yesterday and into today which was very profound. Great atmospheres – well done team – THANK YOU