Extreme Trauma Ukraine – with David Berceli

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Mark and David

Trauma Releasing Exercises founder David Berceli joins Mark Walsh to for a dialogue to discuss shaking, shock, war, leadership, bomb shelters, extreme situations, complicated terminology, natural healing, self deception, dark humour, modern vs archaic, and Zelensky. A rich up to the moment…

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What if Trauma Education Were Normal in Society?

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What if Trauma Education

This is a panel on trauma with Paul Linden, Steven Porges, David Berceli, Steve Haines, Valerie Mason-John, Steven Hoskinson - hosted by Mark Walsh. Each panelist is experienced in their respective fields, but all have studied trauma in unique aspects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxqFMEhSXSY Source:…

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Ines Burs (TRE Provider in Argentina)Provides TRE in the Andes Mountain Range in Argentina

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Ines Burs (TRE Provider in Argentina)

Ines Burs (TRE Provider in Argentina) did TRE with a group of people in the Andes Mountain Range in Argentina. She said: “I want to share with you a TRE experience in the Andes Mountain range. (Cordillera de los Andes. Argentina). We…

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REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona)

Read more about the article REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona)

Congratulations to Dr David Berceli. The REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona) is here.   We are so pleased that the research into TRE is growing and we have a full Clinical Trial showing…

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Exploring racial trauma through body experience

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Exploring racial trauma through body experience

Inception http://inceptionep.com/and TRE http://traumaprevention.com/have joined together to explore (through dialogue and somatic experiences) the depth of the effects of racism in the human body. In this first, of several videos, TRE© Trainees describe and explore how racism has affected their bodies. Over the next few…

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