How TRE® helps with trauma, pain and stress by literally shaking off problems

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Anne Cousin demo TRE at Balance Health Photo:David Wong

Anne Cousin demonstrating a tension release exercise at Balance Health in Central. Photo: David Wong Kate Whitehead from the South China Post interviews Certified TRE® provider Anne Cousin about the amazing power of TRE® and the many benefits people experience. TRE®, or…

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Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma Free Online Learning

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Great free 50 minutes online course from ACEs. If you are interested in learning more about how trauma effects us when we are babies and children, please take this free online course. The more we become aware of how important it is…

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A neuroscientist’s perspective on TRE®

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A neuroscientist's perspective on TRE®

Great video of Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Certified TRE® Provider and Neuroscientist in Canada speaks about her experience and perspective of TRE®.Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Certified TRE Provider in Canada speaks about her personal experiences and professional perspective on TRE. Although highly educated she…

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Claire Coleman tries TRE®, the new exercise craze born out of a war zone

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Great Article TRE® Practitioner Steve Haines teaches Claire Coleman from the Metro TRE® I’M lying on my back with my knees bent and slightly apart, and my legs are twitching uncontrollably. For some reason, rather than making me anxious this strikes me…

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How TRE supports & enhances consciously directed self-care techniques

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TRE® provides a truly subconscious bottom-up approach to help support & enhance consciously directed self-care techniques including Yoga, Pilates, Mindfulness, Meditation, Gym Programmes, General Exercise & Talk Therapies including Counselling. So it is a wonderful tool for everyone to learn and use.…

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