TRE®and it’s potential with incomplete spinal cord injuries

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TRE®and it’s potential with incomplete spinal cord injuries

Debbie Raw is a TRE® Provider from South Africa who has made a video about her use of TRE in conjunction with Kinesiology & Chiropractic techniques (N.O.T.) to help a client with Hemiplegia over the last few years. The client has reported…

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REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona)

Read more about the article REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona)

Congratulations to Dr David Berceli. The REPORT of the Neurogenic Tremors Training (TRE) for Stress and PTSD: A Controlled Clinical Trial (VA Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona) is here.   We are so pleased that the research into TRE is growing and we have a full Clinical Trial showing…

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How To Shake Off Trauma (with Dr. David Berceli)Under The Skin Podcast with Russell Brand

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David Berceli Russel Brand Under The Skin

This week I spoke with Dr. David Berceli. David is an expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is the creator of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises which are designed to help release the deep tension created in…

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Tension and trauma releasing exercises for people with multiple sclerosis – An exploratory pilot study

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Tension and trauma releasing exercises for people with multiple sclerosis

Great news on TRE® research from Michael Nissen (Denmark). He said: "The Danish MS Society got their first study on the effect of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises published in Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine this month. After working with more…

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Timothy Shieff (an English freerunner) does TRE®

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Timothy Shieff

David Berceli Tre® Session with Timothy Shieff with World Freerun Champion. Timothy Shieff has won the Barclaycard World Freerun Championship in 2009 and participated on the television programme MTV's Ultimate Parkour Challenge. He engages in various unconventional methods to improve health.…

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Exploring racial trauma through body experience

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Exploring racial trauma through body experience

Inception TRE joined together to explore (through dialogue and somatic experiences) the depth of the effects of racism in the human body. In this first, of several videos, TRE© Trainees describe and explore how racism has affected their bodies. Over the next few…

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