Former US Marine does TRE®
Great video of Kelley who was a sergeant in the US Marine Corps. This is his first experience with TRE®. Source: David Berceli
Great video of Kelley who was a sergeant in the US Marine Corps. This is his first experience with TRE®. Source: David Berceli
David Berceli interview with Dr. Stephen Porges & Dr. Sue Carter Dr. Stephen Porges & Dr. Sue Carter talk about TRE® and its contribution to the trauma perspective. Dr. Porges and Dr. Carter speak about many topics in this interview such as:…
At this time TRE® is even more essential for everyone - particularly first responders. Angelique Pollen is a paramedic and uses TRE® to regulate her nervous system after stressful or traumatic events. She encourages other paramedics and first responders to try this…
Watch David Berceli and US Marine Adam talk TRE® to Chanel 7 News Tucson, Arizona. Source: David Berceli
Amazing video with Soldier's explaining how TRE® helped them recover from PTSD. Soldiers speak about their experience in war, their return home and attempt to recover using TRE®. David Berceli Source: David Berceli
Those who have experienced stress, tension and trauma know the profound effect they have on your day-to-day life. Traditionally, treatment involves talking therapy and medication. But evidence is emerging that making your body shake using Trauma and Tension Release Exercises (TRE) could…