International Peace Initiative Director, staff and members use TRE®

Read more about the article International Peace Initiative Director, staff and members use TRE®
Dr Karambu Ringera

A testimony for using TRE® with children. Dr. Karambu Ringera, (Founder and President of the International Peace Initiatives, IPI) her staff and members of IPI talk about their experiences with TRE®. Source: David Berceli International Peace Initiatives

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Can shaking exercises improve stress and PTSD?

Read more about the article Can shaking exercises improve stress and PTSD?

Those who have experienced stress, tension and trauma know the profound effect they have on your day-to-day life. Traditionally, treatment involves talking therapy and medication. But evidence is emerging that making your body shake using Trauma and Tension Release Exercises (TRE) could…

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My TRE® Journey to Heal PNES (Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures)

Read more about the article My TRE® Journey to Heal PNES (Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures)
Debbie Samson

In 2012 I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). Four years later I experienced PNES (Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures). The seizures lasted from 45 minutes to 5 hours. My C-PTSD stemmed from years of childhood abuse, neglect and confinement.When the seizures started I,…

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