Certification Requirements


Outlined below are the certification requirements to become a Globally Certified TRE® Provider to practise worldwide. You must do all your Module workshops and Supervisions with TRE Scotland, UK.


Three 2-day or two 3-day modules of TRE® theory and shaking/teaching practice and 12 one-to-one Supervision sessions.

  • Modules are two or three days each – usually 3-6 months apart
  • Enrolment to TREforall® in the Certification Enrolment Website ($35 enrolment fee)TO COMPLETE:
  • Four (4) personal sessions (doing TRE® yourself) being mentored by your Certification Trainer (CT), in person, recorded and/or Zoom.


  • Journaling of personal TRE® experiences (See details below)
  • Required reading, DVD viewing and submitting of a short written report on each.
  • Four (4) sessions teaching an individual TRE® with the CT observing and giving feedback, in person, recorded and/or Zoom.
  • One (1) Case study of of teaching an individual at least three (3) times
  • Attend at least eight (8) Trainee support group sessions with CT/Mentor
  • Competency assessment session to confirm if ready to start teaching groups
  • Four (4) peer swap sessions (See details below)
  • Three (3) sessions teaching TRE® to a group with the CT observing and giving feedback, in person, recorded and/or Zoom.
  • One (1) final evaluation session teaching TRE® to a group to determine full competency for certification.


  • At any point in the certification process the CT may require additional sessions to ensure the required competency is gained.


Your total investment in Certification is from £2330 to £2435.

The Certification fee is calculated depending on which Modules (in person or online) and Supervision payment method you choose.

You add your Module fees to the Supervision fee.


3-day Workshop fees

Module 1 – £345

Module 2 – £345

Total = £690


2-day Workshop fees

Module 1 – £225

Module 2 – £245

Module 3 – £245

Total = £715

Supervision Fees

Three payments:

To start – £660

Before M2 – £490

Before groups/6 mths from M2 (earliest) – £490

Total = £1640



Fourteen payments:

To start –£180 for 4 months 

After M2 –£100 for 10 months

Total = £1720

Download the full TRE Scotland Certification document 


For Module 1, if you cancel before paying the final payment you will lose the deposit only.  If you cancel after paying the full fee (which is due 2 weeks before) there is no refund.  For Certification, the first payment you have 4 days from receipt of payment and later instalments you have 48 hours to change your mind and have that amount refunded; then the fees are no longer refundable.  Fees that have not yet been paid do not need to be paid.