Think about your spinal cord when you shake

Spine - Anatomie ist halt so

Photo Credit: Anatomie ist halt so

When you shake/do your involuntary releasing – think about your spinal cord. Imagine it juicy and fluid, and strong and flexible. And your body will release any stress, tension around your spine and you will heal. Believe and trust your body’s healing power. The more your thinking cortex relates to your body, the more your body will be able to heal.

“The spinal cord is a long, thin, tube-shaped structure of nerve tissue that extends from the medulla oblongata in the brain stem to the lumbar spine.

It encloses the central channel of the spinal cord, which contains cerebrospinalis.

The brain and the spinal cord together form the central nervous system (CNS). In humans, the spinal cord begins on the hind leg of the cervical bone, runs through the foramen magnum and enters the vertebrae at the beginning of the cervix.

The spinal cord extends between the first and second lumbar vertebrae, where it ends.”