Meet David Berceli of Founder of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
Great interview with David Berceli By Voyage Phoenix
Today we’d like to introduce you to David Berceli.
David, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I was living in several countries in Africa & Mid East that were experiencing war and political violence. I noticed a pattern among all of us, that when we became anxious, frightened or traumatized, our bodies would begin to shake from fear. This shaking had a predictable pattern. It had a beginning, at the onset of violence; middle during the violence; and an end, the shaking would stop when the violence ceased and safety was restored.
I recognized that the shaking was not a pathology of the fear response, as traditional medicine suggests, but rather it was a healthy mechanism of the nervous system trying to help the body reduce its fear, tension and anxiety. I developed a method to artificially evoke this shaking response in a safe and controlled environment. This allows the individual to complete the shaking response long after the stressor is over and reduce the still-existing excited charge of the nervous system.
This process restores the calming and comforting effect of the parasympathetic nervous system thereby reducing symptoms of anxiety, fear, stress, tension and post-traumatic stress.
Has it been a smooth road?
I lived in war-torn countries (Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, Israel, & the Palestinian West Bank) that were also experiencing poverty, political and social violence and daily hardships of life.
After returning to the USA to develop this technique, our current medical system could not include this unique idea in their current paradigm so it has consistently been dismissed.
We’d love to hear more about your business.
I travel the world (50 countries), teaching large populations how to release stress, tension and recover from trauma. I empower the local populations to use this technique among themselves without the need for ‘western professionals’. The uniqueness of this technique is that it satisfies the United Nations mandate to provide techniques and services that can be easily replicated by the local populations and sustainable after I leave.