
Group Vicki

If you want to learn TRE® as a relaxation tool to release stress and tension you are welcome to come along to an Introduction to TRE® group.  If you have a health condition please contact a TRE®Provider first to complete an Intake to see whether you need to have a one-to-one rather than learn in a group.   All the details of our Groups are below:  

Introduction to TRE®

Contact Vicki to find out when the next in person or online group will be.

Open to everybody: whether you have stress, physical symptoms or vicarious trauma or you work with stressed clients as a professional – or are just curious.  If you have serious or on going mental or physical health issues then a one-to-one session is necessary first.

Advanced shakers

Online via Zoom for people who have already learned how to shake.

Saturday fortnightly 11.30 – 12.45 (for dates join our Meetup Group and receive regular emails updates)

If you have attended an Introduction to TRE® session in Edinburgh or learned somewhere else (in the world) then you are welcome to come.  Contact Vicki to fill in an intake form and find out the dates/link.   


‘Going Deeper’ Group

ONLINE via Zoom

Over 4-weeks, these sessions run throughout the year.  Each Saturday for 3 weeks and then 2 weeks before the 4th session.  £99 to join a small group (max 6) to go deeper into your own shaking practice and share your experiences with others over 4 sessions.

Let’s go deeper – we will:

  • Share our experiences
    Switch on neurogenic tremors without exercises
    Different positions – sitting, all fours, front and more
    Bring releasing into your Face
    Exploring interventions
    Self dialogue

4 Sessions for £99

Pay via BACS/Revolut/Paypal prior to starting 

The wonderful thing about shaking in a group is that you turn up for yourself and hear the others share where they are with their releasing and you share too, and get support with your releasing from me.

Private Trainee Supervision Group

Saturdays/Thursdays every 3 weeks

These are sessions for the Trainees doing the TRE Scotland Certification training to explore their training in fun and supported place.